• Living Memories

What are Living Memories?

Secured Inheritance is Uniquely different we have The Vault ~ for storage & Documentation , then we allow you to distribute selective content images to individuals of your choice in hopes of their up coming inheritance. Remember trading & saving is to be fun with no strings attached Indian giving is so allowed !

Pricing & Availability
Never has creating your dynasty and documenting your legacy been so fun!S.I. Team
How does it work?

1. We film and make a production of all your Life stories for generations to come with image &, interviews~ you are a Star~ Shine Bright & share your Legacy with your own special lasting memories.

2. Our Living memories is a stand alone service and does not require an active membership.

Secure Your Forever Legacy

Enjoy the piece of mind knowing that you are now taking a pro-active role in your Dynasty Planning

You are a Heir

Now is the time to up-grade put on your Crown & become a Royal